Acorn / BBC

Acorn Computers was a British computer company established in Cambridge, England, in 1978. The company produced a number of legendary computers which were especially popular in the UK, including the Acorn Electron and the Acorn Archimedes, RiscPC and BBC Micro which dominated the UK educational computer market during the 1980s.
Acorn Amstrad Amiga Apple Atari Spectrum DOS / IBM XT PC MSX GOTEK Floppy disc / disk drive USB emulator
Gotek Floppy disc / floppy disk drive USB emulator for computers including Acorn, Amstrad, Amiga, Ap..
Acorn BBC Micro Model B / Master - External Gotek disk drive in metal enclosure with speaker and cables
LAST ONE IN STOCK!External Gotek USB Floppy Disk Emulator Drive in metal enclosure with large OLED d..
Floppy Disk Drive USB Emulator "OpenFlops" with FlashFloppy firmware - Gotek upgrade compatible
Floppy Disk Drive USB Emulator "OpenFlops" with FlashFloppy firmware pre-installed. Suitable for..
Pixel Addict Issue 01 classic computing magazine
ISSUE 1 includes:Our cover feature looks at the story and relationship of Steve Jobs and Bill Gates...
SIMFDD35 Kit - External Floppy Disk Drive Enclosure (Metal Case for Gotek, OpenFlops PCB or original 3.5" Floppy Drive)
The SIMFDD35 Kit is a complete external 3.5" Floppy Disk drive case that you can build yourself and ..